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Overcoming Fear
How many decisions do we make based on fear? What will they think? What if I fail? What if…? There is only one solid way to overcome...

Is Your Past Holding You Hostage?
Your mind reels with memories that imprison you. You rehearse the events like Groundhog Day, each time inserting a new response in your...

The Nightmares
Lauren’s been struggling with fear. Fear of bad guys. It overwhelms her at bedtime. She’s afraid that they will come in during the night...

Don’t just fit in!
Hello, I’m over at the ministry counter at the Cafe’ today talking about “fitting in verses leading”. Stop over and see me and join in...

When the Nightmares Come
Lately Lauren’s been waking up in the morning and telling me about her dreams of being chased by dinosaurs. Now this may or may not be a...

Sometimes the Past Haunts Us
I originally posted this 3 years ago but this message has been going over and over in my heart lately, hope it touches you too. As many...

When It Feels Like the Whole World Walks Out
Hello Ladies! I am over at the Internet Cafe today. I’m talking about lonliness: I’ve been in that place of loneliness. When it feels...

What NOT to Wear
God is with you…so be courageous today. Think about Him standing next to you everywhere you go! Stop letting fear control your...

Fear, Intimidation, Depression…it may be Jezebel
Ever struggle with depression, loss of vision, fear, intimidation?? I sure have. I’ve come up against this several times but it’s so...

What are you running from?
I’m over at the cafe today, stop by and see me and leave a note on the table! ”I’ve been there. Something or a bunch of “somethings”...

You Will Walk Through Fire
Psalms 9:9-10 The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. And those who know Your name will put their...

Overwhelmed is No Condition for a Child of the King
Matt 11:28-30 28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me,...

Do not fear!
1 Peter 3:14-16 But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened.” 15...

Discouraged, depressed, shrinking back??
Feeling depressed and unmotivated? Struggling with discouragement, been tempted to shrink back lately? So was Timothy: 2 Tim 1:3-7 3 I...

Signs of Inner Peace
Originally posted June 2007 Symptoms of Inner Peace by Saskia Davis Be on the lookout for symptoms of inner peace! The hearts of a great...

Hurting, struggling, tired…looking for a reason for faith and hope?
I’m loving this! I would love to hear why you’re singing!

Are you going to freak out or faith out??
Have you ever been alone with a thought that spirals out of control and before you know it, your mind has you in a state of sadness,...

The Day After
I have been praying about what to write today. Am I disappointed? You betcha. 🙂 But, is there peace in my heart? Of course. The pillars...

Is the earth giving way under your feet?
(I wrote this before the fallout on Wall Street yesterday, but I feel that in light of that, I will leave it up today. “Two shall become...

Faith Like Daniel
After the last post, I am overwhelmed by the trials you have endured and the faith You have in our Lord. Some of your comments and emails...
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