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Leave Yesterday’s Mistakes Behind
Our past is a huge part of our future…our stories shape us and we become a women of our individual journeys. I don’t believe we can or...

Get Out Of The Wake
When our kids were teens we had a 17 foot speed boat and took them tubing every summer. It became quite an adventure. What began as a fun...

When You Think You’ve Gone Too Far
As long as you’re still taking breaths…you haven’t gone too far away from His love. No matter where you’ve gone or what you’ve done, He’s...

Earning God’s Love ~When Minstry Gets In The Way
Whether or not she was trying to earn His approval, love or just impress everyone; she missed the point and I know that I have too....

It’s Time To Stop Wishing That Life Had Been Different
We run from our stories, but never allude them. We think that “becoming a new creation in Christ” means denying the abuse or sins that...

Your Life Is Waiting For You To Let It Happen
Why do we fight so hard to hold on to a life that is far less than what it could be? Old customs, habits and relationships that are...

The Trap of Self Rejection
This quote is for all of us who have struggled with feeling unimportant and abandoned. The sacred voice knows the truth. Hold on to it...

I Prefer Nice People
I like nice people. They’re easy to get along with; they don’t stomp on your feelings by calling you a bad mom. They don’t eat your...

Throwing Stones At a Mirror
This has been on my heart for a while and I couldn’t wait until this post was live. I was touched so deeply as I studied this story. We...

What If Your Church Didn’t Exist Anymore?
Many hairstyles ago I stood in front of the church that my husband pastored and shared a thought that burned so deep inside me I couldn’t...

Be the Gift He Created You to Be
Time to mix with family and friends, some of which will be wonderful…but for many it is a stressful experience. I just want to encourage...

This Keeps Me Dancing
I just love this! It puts all things into perspective. Not sure what you’re walking through right now but if you’re like me you love...

In the Mud? It’s Might be Time to Cry
I’m thinking on this today…I pray it touches your heart too! Psalms 40:1-3 I waited patiently for the LORD to help me, and he turned to...

No Full Length Mirrors Please!!
No, not the bathroom one and heavens no, not the full length one! Those are straight from the pit, I’m just sure of it! We see that one...

Don’t Look Down!
Matthew 14: 24-31 (The Message Bible) Meanwhile, the boat was far out to sea when the wind came up against them and they were battered by...

Some Paths Are Lined With Terror
Do you think God is unfair? That He is just a big rule-making, fun-destroying entity that wants to heep guilt on your happiness? Many do....

God Always Has the Last Word!
And here’s the proof: Acts 7:9-10 “Because the patriarchs were jealous of Joseph, they sold him as a slave into Egypt. But God was with...

It’s Really This Simple
Hello girlfriends! (Here’s some of what I’ve been doing…playing in my yard! ) I am sorry I haven’t been blogging much lately. Summer has...

Do not fear!
1 Peter 3:14-16 But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened.” 15...

Escaping the Devil’s Trap
I couldn’t say it any better… 2 Tim 2:22-26 Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce...
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