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When You’ve Been Knocked Off Your Feet
I recently talked to someone who was knocked off their feet by life. The hurt is huge, the pain builds daily. Yet they run. They run from...

The Nightmares
Lauren’s been struggling with fear. Fear of bad guys. It overwhelms her at bedtime. She’s afraid that they will come in during the night...

Are You Beautiful?
I’ve always loved this verse. I think I see something new in it everytime I read it. 1 Peter 3:1-4 The same goes for you wives: Be good...

Are We Living FOR God or WITH God?
Summer’s busy isn’t it girls?! I have been doing something every day and having a great summer but I don’t think I’ve ever had a busier...

Protecting Your Heart
Be careful not to protect it so much that it becomes a fortified prison… From C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves To love at all is to be...

Loving Women That Despise Us
Jesus was asked this question: “And who is my neighbor?” Here is His response: Luke 10:30-37 30 In reply Jesus said: “A man was going...

Discouraged, depressed, shrinking back??
Feeling depressed and unmotivated? Struggling with discouragement, been tempted to shrink back lately? So was Timothy: 2 Tim 1:3-7 3 I...

July Winner and my thoughts on love…
The July winner of Praise and Coffee is: Alexia! Congrats Alexia, email me your home address and I will send out your coffee and CD!!...

Two shall become One ~ Love
Love Such a common word, but powerful, none the less. Let’s go right to the source and break it down: 1 Cor 13:1-12 1 If I speak in the...

The Fruit of "Love"
Hello! I got a good nights sleep and I feel a little more on my game – finally! Family update: Lauren is doing good, a little testy about...
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