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Whatever you do…
I was reading in Colossians 3 this morning and some wonderful words jumped out at me. The whole chapter is so good, but here are a few...
From Voice of the Martyrs : SOUTH KOREA – UPDATE: On September 12, 2007 South Korean Christian aid workers held hostage by the Taliban in...
Love them like Jesus did
How do we love like Jesus loved and not become corrupted by the world? Even today He is accused of sin (DaVinci Code…Last Temptation of...
~Hot Topics~ One Way or many ways?
I had heard about this show but never saw it myself. I know that some of you love Oprah and I do too. I think she is a wonderful...
Reminder, Jesus said…
Have you prayed for those who mistreat you lately?
~Hot Topics~ Weapons of Mass Destruction
Grab your coffee- we’ve got things to discuss. They couldn’t find them in Iraq, but I see evidence of them in my own life far too often....
One Year Anniversary of our Gotcha Day!
Lord, You saw her “red and screaming” on the steps of a Buddhist Temple in China and chose to coordinate her life so that she would end...
One year ago today…
It was the eve of our “Gotcha Day” for Lauren. Here are some pictures of her before she came to her forever home.
Lauren’s First Gymnastics Class!
Quite the little Princess.
East to West
This is an awesome new song by Casting Crowns. What a wonderful reminder of how much He loves us and is so merciful to forgive our sins....
The Freedom of Forgiveness
I’m just tickled that one of my posts is being used on a blog carnival! It’s at “Ask Andrea” Summer’s End Edition of the Carnival of...
Thanks so much for the sweet nomination!
How very sweet of you Kimmie over at Over the Moon with Joy to nominated me for the “Nice Matters Award.” If I could turn around and...
Psalms 62
Psalms 62:5-8 How’s your soul doing? Your mind and thought life? Are they racing? 5 Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; Ever feel...
Hot Topics~What Teens Want Most
A recent study done on teenagers by the AP and MTV brought some interesting results. Here is a quote: When asked what one thing makes...
Life on the road
Here we are at the track. It has been HOT lately! This summer we’ve been to southern Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and lots of local...
Introducing Sydney…
We have a new addition to our family…for those of you who know us…YES, we are crazy. This is Steph’s new dog. I guess that makes this my...
Just for fun!
You write the caption:
Isaiah 61
So how are you? No…really… How ARE you? Are you feeling captive to someone or something? Do you feel a cloud of darkness? Are you feeling...
Off to Italy!
My son in the Air Force just foung out that they are sending him to Italy after his current training school (should be in October...
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