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Is the earth giving way under your feet?

(I wrote this before the fallout on Wall Street yesterday, but I feel that in light of that, I will leave it up today. “Two shall become One” will resume again next week.)

I love this verse:

Ps 46:1-3 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. 2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, 3 though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. NIV

This one has been a lifeline to me on more than one occasion when I felt that I was drowning. One such time was when Stephanie (my now 16 year old) was about 18 months old and she started having seizures. It was so hard. She had grand mal (full blown) and petite seizures (she would fall and then regain conciousness quickly). They would come monthly, then closer together. The doctors could find no real reason and after a year and a half they stopped.

I could tell you story after story of the terror it was to have them happen and rush her in an ambulance to the hospital. But the thing I want to focus on is how the Lord brought peace into my life one day when I was about to completely break down. I just cried out to Him..’please help Lord”…that was it…no profound prayer, just the cry of a mother’s heart for her daughter. Then He poured His peace on me like oil flowing over my head and in my heart I heard Him say…”have I let her get hurt? Have I not protected her through this?”

Well, He had. She never had any adverse affects or damage after the seizures and miraculously never hurt her head all the times she fell.

He’s our ever present help in trouble…He’s RIGHT THERE with us.

We are not to give way to fear…even if the earth right under our feet should crumble. Even if our marriage…children…finances…all fall apart. He promises to be our refuge and strength. I’m so thankful.

I read your emails, I know that some of you reading this are struggling.

He is right there with you, call on His name and let His peace flood your heart.

If you need more encouragement, head over to my friend Melissa’s place, you can click the Speak to My Soul Sunday button on the right.

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