Matthew 11:28 Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. NLT
He said come, and I came.
I will never forget the day that this verse became alive to me and I asked the Lord to help me through this dance called life.
I didn’t ‘sign on’ to any certain religion or church. I simply prayed to God and acknowledged that I could not do this life on my own. I needed Him.
I asked Him to forgive me for the sins I had committed and come into my life and lead it. I don’t remember any fireworks, but I do recall having a sense of peace inside me and hope for my future.
My life has gone through ups and downs, mountain tops and dark valleys. I’ve experienced joy and pain. I thank God for the joy and I hold on to Him tightly during times of pain.
I love the word hope, I think that the word hope is an acurate desciption of what God puts in all of us who choose to surrender our lives and goals for His.
I’m so glad that I came….
My hope is in Him, Sue